Friday, February 02, 2007

Rep. Lawrence R. Klemin: Driving cell phone bill applies to all

Rep. Lawrence R. Klemin letter:
Driving cell phone bill applies to all
Fargo Forum Friday, February 02, 2007

I am the prime sponsor of House Bill 1196, relating to the use of cell phones while driving. As originally written, the bill would have applied only to minors while operating a motor vehicle while the vehicle was in motion.

A recent article by The Associated Press stating that I had proposed an amendment in the House Transportation Committee that would extend the ban to all drivers regardless of age neglected to mention that the amendment was restricted to “hand-held” cell phones and other “hand-held” wireless communication devices. Under the amendment, the ban would not apply to “hands-free” voice-activated cell phones or similar devices. The bill does not prevent a driver from using a hand-held cell phone in a vehicle as long as the vehicle is not in motion.

A number of recent studies have concluded that the use of cell phones while driving has become an increasing safety concern as drivers are more focused on their conversations or other use of the cell phone than on the traffic. Technology now makes it possible not only to talk on a cell phone but also to text message, send and receive e-mails, watch videos and surf the Internet.

Nationwide statistics are showing thousands of accidents and fatalities due to this distraction, not only for the drivers using the cell phones but also for others on the road. The public has a right to expect that their safety will be protected on the road.

Rep. Lawrence R. Klemin

1 comment:

Dakota said...

This is just another responciablity of driving. We should limit people to only "driving when thinking", too. I see way to many accidents when drivers aren't thinking, infact most accidents happen to people " Not under any influance" of drugs or booze. What is there problem? They must not be thinking and should be arrested! Cell phone are the least of the problems we have with driving... Were you elected to be stupid? Get on a real subject! How about releaving low level felones like, "addicts". That way the Republicans can get that felony guilty "Rush Limbaugh" off too. He is no different than the others with a pain in the back side.