Friday, March 30, 2007


BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. John Hoeven today was joined by legislators, city officials and water association leadership to sign Senate Bill 2345, which authorizes state funding for the first phase of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project. The legislation will provide $200 million, $100 million in direct state funding and $100 million in Municipal, Rural and Industrial Water Supply funds. The completed project will initially bring water from Lake Sakakawea and other sources to Fargo, and ultimately to Grand Forks, Wahpeton, Grafton, Drayton and Pembina.

The bill marks the first step in financing the $700 million project, which will help sustain healthy economic growth in the Red River Valley and protect local economies from a severe drought similar to the one that occurred in the 1930s. The statewide economic impact of a such a drought has been estimated to be as high as $2 billion. The project will provide for the long-term needs of the Red River Valley.

Joining Hoeven for the signing were bill sponsors Sen. Tom Fischer and Rep. Al Carlson; Ole Aarsvold; and Al Wieland. Sen. Tony Grindberg and Sen. Larry Robinson also sponsored the bill

Other legislators joining the Governor for the signing were House Majority Leader Rick Berg; Senate Minority Leader Dave O’Connell; Sen. Judy Lee; Sen. Tim Flakoll; Sen. Gary Lee; Sen. Nick Hacker; Sen. Joel Heitkamp; Sen. Tom Fiebiger; Sen. Carolyn Nelson; Sen. Arden Anderson; Sen. Aaron Krauter; Sen. Tim Mathern; House Minority Leader Merle Boucher; Rep. Kim Koppelman; Rep. Ray Holmberg; Rep. Blair Thoreson; Rep. Jim Kasper; Rep. Scot Kelsh; Rep. Gil Herbel; Rep. Ken Svedjan; Rep.Mark Owens; Rep. Darrel Nottestad; Rep. Betty Grande; Rep. Don Clark; Rep Don Dietrich; Rep. Ed Guchalla; Rep. Dawn Charging; Rep. Ben Vig; Rep. Randy Boehning; Rep Jim Pomeroy; Rep. Joyce Kingsbury.

Also joining the Governor were Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker; Grand Forks City Council Member and Director of the Lake Agassiz Water Authority Curt Kreun; Executive Director of the N.D. Water Users Association Mike Dwyer; Chairman of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District Rick Anderson; General Manager of the Garrison Diversion and Secretary/Treasurer of the Lake Agassiz Water Authority Dave Koland; and State Water Commission Director Dale Frink.

“Growing and sustaining a dynamic economy depends on strong infrastructure for our state, including a clean and adequate supply of water,” Hoeven said. “Communities from Fargo, West Fargo and Grand Forks to Devils Lake, Wahpeton and Valley City will benefit from our commitment and careful planning for the Red River Valley Water Supply Project.”

House Majority Leader Rick Berg said: “It is crucial to have an adequate supply of water to ensure continued economic growth in North Dakota.”

Mayor Dennis Walaker of Fargo said: “We’ve been hoping for this day for many, many years and are pleased that the Legislature and the Governor of North Dakota provided us with water for the Red River Valley. We want to thank everyone that has been involved in this huge project.”

Wahpeton Mayor Jim Sturdevant said: “The City of Wahpeton is very appreciative of the foresight the State and Governor have regarding water issues in eastern ND. It is good to know that the type of leadership needed to get a complicated project such as this done is being handled at the highest levels.”

Bruce Furness, chairman of the Lake Agassiz Water Authority, said: “Thanks to Governor Hoeven for his leadership in developing a state funding plan for the Red River Valley Water Supply Project. And thanks to the Legislature for concurring with this plan. These dollars along with commitments from the local water users and the federal government will enable the construction of this important project and fulfill a 60 year promise to the citizens of North Dakota. The Lake Agassiz Water Authority is appreciative of this specific action and grateful to all involved in the effort to provide supplemental water to the eastern part of our state.”


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