Friday, May 11, 2007

Pomeroy's Pals At it Again

Fargo Forum Editorial: House war funding bill cynical ploy

Published Friday, May 11, 2007

The scheme by majority Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives to fund the Department of Defense on a month-to-month schedule should be rejected by anyone with good sense. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said this week the House plan would hobble the military’s procurement and deployment efforts. He urged the House to rethink what certainly is another attempt by anti-war Democrats to get the United States out of Iraq no matter the consequences.

Put aside for the moment whether the Iraq war is right, wrong, necessary or foolhardy. Funding the military in a time of war is required if only to ensure that the troops continue to receive the materials they need to fight and to protect themselves. The House would nickel-and-dime the defense appropriations in a way that would affect military readiness. So when opponents of the war say they support the troops but oppose the president’s war policy, the effort to disrupt funding for the military suggests they are being disingenuous.

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