Monday, December 17, 2007

Speaker Pelosi Refuses to Protect the Salvation Army - - Even at Christmas

For me and, I suspect, many of you, Christmas time is synonymous with the Salvation Army -- those volunteers in Santa hats ringing bells for donations in red kettles. The many Americans who give and the many Americans who are helped every year during the holiday season are, for me, what the Salvation Army is all about.
Which is why it is so unbelievable to me that, as I write this, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) continues to refuse to protect the Salvation Army from being sued by the United States government for requiring its employees to speak English on the job.
In an attempt to appease anti-English radicals in the House, Speaker Pelosi is holding up a bill that would protect employers such as the Salvation Army for being harassed by the government for simply requiring that they employees speak our common language. You can read my past commentaries on this issue here and here.
So, on behalf of the majority of Americans who want to see the English language encouraged and protected as our common language, my message to Speaker Pelosi is this: "'Tis the season, Madame Speaker. Give the gift that keeps on giving. Protect American charities from being sued for requiring that their employees speak English on the job."
Your friend,
Newt Gingrich

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