Friday, January 18, 2008

Get Involved

I have had the opportunity to hear Governor John Hoeven speak twice in the past 5 days and each time I was impressed by his passion for our great state of North Dakota. He spoke from the heart, with no notes, and stressed the importance of becoming involved in the political process.

As you're reading this, you are probably thinking: "I'm already involved", and you would be right, to a point. Being involved can mean a lot of things:

- Get informed: reading blogs, magazine articles or candidate profiles, watching the news
- Volunteer: stuff envelopes for campaigns, make phone calls, go door to door
- Talk to people: reach out to those who are independent or undecided and point them toward sources where they can find the truth. Write a letter to the editor or call a radio talk show.

These are just a few ideas I came up with and I'm sure you can think of more. As the Presidential Caucus draws near, I challenge each of you to bring a friend that wasn't planning on participating. Show them how much fun and educational the political process can be.

As Governor Hoeven said last night, "Those that participate make the difference."

- Deb Seminary, Communications Director

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would encourage everyone, especially those in the Fargo/Cass County area to go to the following website to stay updated on upcoming Fargo republican events. It is updated daily if not more for upcoming events
