Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In Obama's New Message, Some Foes See Old Liberalism

From The Washington Post

By Alec MacGillis
March 26, 2008

[A]s Obama heads into the final presidential primaries, Sen. John McCain and other Republicans have already started to brand him a standard-order left-winger, "a down-the-line liberal," as McCain strategist Charles R. Black Jr. put it, in a long line of Democratic White House hopefuls.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign has also started slapping the L-word on Obama, warning that his appeal among moderate voters will diminish as they become more aware of liberal positions he took in the past, such as calling for single-payer health care and an end to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. ...

The double-barreled attack has presented Democratic voters with some persistent questions about Obama: Just how liberal is he? ...

In most major areas, Obama has taken positions that would seem to conform to the Republican stereotype of a liberal. Like Clinton, he favors expanding the government's role in delivering health care ... He would go a step further than Clinton by lifting the limit on income taxed for Social Security, now $100,000, to set that program on firm footing.

He strongly supports abortion rights and spoke out against a Supreme Court ruling last year that upheld a ban on the procedure that some call "partial-birth" abortion. He favors allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses (after some hesitation, Clinton came out against that). He is outspoken on civil rights, and he has opposed Bush's judicial picks, staying out of a bipartisan effort to approve some nominees. ... [A]s a Senate candidate in 2004 he expressed support for strict gun control, decriminalizing marijuana and ending federal mandatory minimum prison sentences, issues he now rarely raises on the trail. ...

[H]e has opened the door to Republican caricature with his call to negotiate with hostile governments, and has been endorsed by the activist group ...

But whatever Obama's motivation, [American Enterprise Institute's Andrew] Biggs said, his platform is still liberal. "He's taken all these left-wing positions, and how do you get out of it later?" he said. "He doesn't have the appearance of a tax-and-spend liberal . . . but if the essence of being a tax-and-spend liberal is a lot of taxes and spending, that's what he comes down to." ...

To View The Entire Article, Please Visit:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

McCain Now Leads

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows John McCain’s lead growing against both potential Democratic opponents. McCain currently leads Barack Obama 49% to 42% and Hillary Clinton 51% to 41% margin (see recent daily results).

This is good news for Republicans nationwide. This means the tide is turning against the inaction and lies of the Democrats. Americans know who they can trust and better ideas for leading country come from Republicans. The Democrats said they would end earmarks and reign in spending, and they haven't.

The North Dakota delegation with their Democrat collegues in Congress have not been able to pass a farm bill, have failed to bring real solutions for winning the war, and insist on raising taxes while increasing spending. The obivious conclusion is THEY ARE NOT FIT TO LEAD!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Under The Radar, Some Positive Polling

From U.S. News & World Report

By Kenneth T. Walsh
March 14, 2008

White House strategists are feeling a new rush of optimism about President Bush's remaining 10 months in office. ... [A] new internal Republican poll, obtained by U.S. News, which indicates that ... some of his major policies have become quite popular. If Bush and his surrogates can make the policies better known, GOP strategists believe that will lift not only Bush's approval ratings but the overall standing of his party. ...

GOP pollster Ed Goeas of the Tarrance Group [writes] ... "Fully 56 percent of likely voters approve of the president personally, driven by voter sentiments that he is a person of strong moral character and integrity,"...

About 64 percent of likely voters approve of Bush's economic stimulus package passed earlier this year; 67 percent back his initiatives to help struggling homeowners survive the current mortgage crisis; 70 percent endorse his plan to allow monitoring of foreign communications of suspected terrorists; and 72 percent back his visit to the Mideast to promote peace. In addition, 52 percent approve of his surge of U.S. troops into Iraq. ...

To View The Entire Article, Please Visit:

Dorgan's Numbers

The Ethics of Dorgan and the 5.6 Trillion

Friday, March 14, 2008

Conrad's Numbers

Here is are a couple presentation by a concerned citizen on Conrad's rhetoric about the Bush Administration.

Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) - Ethics - $5.6 Trillion Surplus

Democratic Response to Bush Budget Analyzed - 2

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dorgan supported the War, but thats about it!

Agree or disagree with the war, (Senator Dorgan agreed with it before he disagreed with it) we know the troop surge has been effective. We also know that the Iraqis are making slow but sure progress.

Now this next video is apparently from some left-wing group, but I find what Senator Dorgan is saying to be a little ridiculous.

The soldier in the video is simply advocating we stay the course and win the war. That fighting our enemies in Iraq is better than them coming here. He did not, as Senator Dorgan insists, suggest that Saddam Hussien attacked us. What the video suggests is that old policies had failed and America can no longer allow dangerous regimes to threaten our nation and allies.

The truth is we need to succeed in Iraq, and simple rhetoric from Dorgan doesn't do anything to help that. If he has a better plan to win, let's hear it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Who is Jack Murtha?

Pomeroy Votes to Divert Intellegence Funding for "Climate Change"

Rep. Earl Pomeroy joined a choir of liberal Democrats in voting to strip our nation's intellegence funding and put it into pet projects, including useless studies on climate change.

Pomeroy joined support of Jack Murtha's proposal to fund a bloated agency with a $40 million annual budget and funding for studies measuring the risk of "global warming" on national security.(House Roll Call 117).

Earl Pomeroy's record has continually moved leftward as the longer he is in Washington. The saga continues of doing one thing in Washington and saying another in North Dakota, but now Pomeroy is ignoring very important intellegnce legislation and favoring expensive yet ineffective pet projects.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

True Character

Conrad, Dorgan and Pomeroy are Gearing-up to Raise Your Taxes

It’s a funny thing how a politician can continually rest on the belief that he is a “fiscal hawk” but yet endorse huge spending increases, huge tax increases, and still fail to balance the budget. Democrats campaigned on change in 2006 and still campaign on change today.

Yeah, I think we do need change!

We need to change Washington and eliminate the continuation of these empty promises from our congressional delegation. The Democrats have failed to address any of the problems they said they would and today, under their congressional leadership, we have rising energy and food costs; a grim housing market; and more and more restriction on our private property rights.

Recently we have seen the Democrats reveal their new killer dog, the 2008 budget. If unleashed, it will:

• Raise taxes on the average tax payer of North Dakota by $2,614
• Will be the largest tax hike in American History
• 6 million current tax exempt Americans will receive a tax penalty
• Will not fix the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax)
• Imposes huge spending increases
• More bankrupting entitlement programs
• Increases Debt
• Fails to adequately fund the troops

The Democrats cannot be trusted. Our congressman joined in a unanimous vote against a moratorium on earmarks, directly going against the campaign rhetoric of the 2006 Democrat campaign.

Learn more here.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Who is better for the economy?

Go to this link and tell me who really stands up for the lower and middle classs.

Meanwhile you have Democrats like, Kent Conrad, proposing spending increase and tax hikes on all Americans.

Can America afford the Democrat Party?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

McCain Can!

From The Washington Post
Peter Slevin
Mar 4, 2008

The cheer went up at 8:05 p.m. Lone Star time, when CNN called Texas -- and the Republican nomination -- for Sen. John McCain. Eight years after he lost a presidential race, and eight months after his campaign was given up for dead, he earned a trip to the finals...

"They are liberal Democrats. I am a conservative Republican," McCain said. "Whether we want the government to take more of your money or whether families will spend that money...Whether we will declare surrender in Iraq, set a date for withdrawal, or we will continue the surge that has succeeded."

Senator John McCain has secured the nomination for President. Mike Huckabee has bowed out after a long and hard fought race. Republicans are now charged with pulling together and defeating the left. Let's not waiver and let's win.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Conrad’s Fiscal Credibility in Question

A cord has been struck! Senator Kent Conrad’s response to Renae Michell’s letter, “Debt has a Moral Dimension” was an interesting response to what was a direct question. Foremost Conrad failed to answer Mitchell’s questions and concerns.

The national debt needs to become an issue that Americans take seriously, but we need to understand what the concerns are and why we need to resolve them in a timely manner. Shifting blame to others does not solve the issue, and words cannot rectify our deficits. Real commitment on all budgetary issues is what is needed. However, Senator Conrad says one thing and does another.

Conrad says “addressing (federal debt) has been one of the central tenets of my Senate career”, but has continually opposed the Balanced Budget Amendment and the Line Item Veto. He says “everything would be on the table” when addressing fiscal issues, yet he opposed limits on the amounts of direct payments a farm may receive- a measure that was sponsored by Senator Dorgan and would greatly benefit young farmers in North Dakota.

Introducing a bill in Congress can’t serve as excuse for action. A man in Senator Conrad’s position doesn’t need permission from the entire Congress and the President to begin task forces and bring people together for the sake our country. True leaders don’t sit on the sidelines and wait for something to happen they make things happen now. The nation’s debt has been lingering for a great number of years and there needs to an accountability held by the voters to elect people that want correct the problem rather than just give it lip service.

Conrad also found it necessary to attack President Bush and the tax cuts the Congress enacted under his administration. It seems dishonest for the Senator to insist that allowing over-taxed taxpayers to keep more of their money is contributing to the deficit. Only over-spending by the government contributes to deficits. The Congress knows what its revenues are when they make a budget. If there is going to be less money, there needs to be less spending.

One’s words lose creditability when they preach about fiscal restraint but then lend support to a person, such as Barack Obama, that pushes for a near trillion dollar increase in spending from the US treasury to UN programs. Senator Conrad needs to be honest with himself and the people of North Dakota, and bring real action on deficit and debt relief.

Merle Boucher Unaware of Progress in North Dakota

In a recent videotaped interview with editor of the Bismarck Tribune, Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Merle Boucher displayed his lack of knowledge of the progress that North Dakota has made under strong Republican leadership. In this instance Boucher stated that “the economy is robust at the present time, our tax collections are very robust and yet at the same time our numbers of people aren’t growing.”

Boucher is either ignorant of the facts, or he is purposely trying to mislead the people of North Dakota. In either case, Boucher does not display the qualities that the people of North Dakota expect in their political leaders.

When it comes to population, the fact is that the decades old trend of population loss has turned around. In fact, since 2003 our state’s population has risen by more than 6,500 people. Last year alone the population increased by 2,255 people.

Republicans have helped the state to grow and diversify its economy leading to a growth of more than 30,000 new jobs since 2000. Our wages and incomes are rising faster than the national average. And, our economy continues to grow by more than $1 billion per year.

Boucher’s recent attempts to deny the truth show that the only hope the Democrats have is to hide the facts about our state’s progress.