Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Conrad, Dorgan and Pomeroy are Gearing-up to Raise Your Taxes

It’s a funny thing how a politician can continually rest on the belief that he is a “fiscal hawk” but yet endorse huge spending increases, huge tax increases, and still fail to balance the budget. Democrats campaigned on change in 2006 and still campaign on change today.

Yeah, I think we do need change!

We need to change Washington and eliminate the continuation of these empty promises from our congressional delegation. The Democrats have failed to address any of the problems they said they would and today, under their congressional leadership, we have rising energy and food costs; a grim housing market; and more and more restriction on our private property rights.

Recently we have seen the Democrats reveal their new killer dog, the 2008 budget. If unleashed, it will:

• Raise taxes on the average tax payer of North Dakota by $2,614
• Will be the largest tax hike in American History
• 6 million current tax exempt Americans will receive a tax penalty
• Will not fix the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax)
• Imposes huge spending increases
• More bankrupting entitlement programs
• Increases Debt
• Fails to adequately fund the troops

The Democrats cannot be trusted. Our congressman joined in a unanimous vote against a moratorium on earmarks, directly going against the campaign rhetoric of the 2006 Democrat campaign.

Learn more here.

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