Friday, April 06, 2007

Harry Reid on the Hot Seat

Vets Ask Reid Tough Questions
From Reno Gazette-Journal

By Ray Hagar

April 6, 2007

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke to a tough crowd of veterans Thursday in Reno, with one assailing the Nevada Democrat for "irresponsible statements" he has made about the war in Iraq.

Another asked him why Congress doesn't take a pay cut and give the money to veterans. That was followed by a question about why Reid hadn't answered registered mail sent in 2002. ...

Some veterans implored Reid and federal lawmakers to stop using the troops in Iraq as a "political football."

John Edwards of Reno was blunt in his question of Reid: "Why would you make such an irresponsible statement that you are going to withhold funding for our troops?" Edwards asked. "You are using them as a political football." ...

Edwards was not pleased with Reid's answer.

"He never answered my question," Edwards said. "He never came close. I'm very disappointed."

Donald Cabral, 63, also hit Reid with a pointed question.

"Why doesn't Congress take a cut in pay and give it to the veterans?" asked Cabral, an Army veteran. "Every time Congress needs a raise, not a problem. But when a veteran wants something, there's a problem. But when the fighting comes, we're the ones you want." ...

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