Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In Case You Missed It … Fargo Forum Editorial Sen. Reid’s comments cross line

Forum Editorial: Sen. Reid’s comments cross line
The Forum - 04/24/2007

Sen. Harry Reid’s remarks last week that the war in Iraq “is lost” were both irresponsible and wrong. The Nevada Democrat, who is the U.S. Senate’s majority leader, apparently has turned his back on troops in harm’s way, and has given the enemies of the United States a potent propaganda tool.

It wasn’t enough for Reid to tell the nation how he felt about the war. He also said this: “I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and – you have to make your own decisions about what the president knows – (know) this war is lost. …”

Reid is either a mind reader or a fool. Given the response from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, we’re sure the senator is not a mind reader. Rice and Gates immediately and respectfully rejected Reid’s all-knowing conclusions.

It’s also curious why the senator, who seems able to get inside the heads of Rice and Gates, was less definitive about his assessment of the president’s beliefs about the war. “Make your own decisions about what the president knows,” Reid said. We’re disappointed he decided not to extend his Merlin-like wisdom to the president’s beliefs about the war.

We’re not talking about some obscure senator. Reid is leader of the Senate’s Democratic majority. When he speaks – no matter how bizarre and foolish his words – it matters. When the leaders of militias and terrorists in Iraq hear a powerful U.S. senator say the war “is lost,” it certainly must make them smile.

More importantly, when American men and women in uniform, who put their lives on the line every day, hear that the cause in which they are engaged “is lost,” morale surely suffers.

There is nothing wrong with a vigorous debate in Congress over the conduct of the Iraq war. Indeed, such a debate is necessary in a democratic society. Senators should be raising questions about why the war has gone on so long, and what can be done to end or draw down American involvement. But Reid’s remarks crossed a line. Responsible opposition to the war is acceptable. Giving aid and comfort to U.S. enemies is not.

Forum editorials represent the opinion of Forum management and the newspaper’s Editorial Board.

If you would like to view the original article please visit http://www.in-forum.com/Opinion/articles/163621.

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