Thursday, November 01, 2007

Attacks on Governor Hoeven's accomplishments are foolish

Eric Halvorson, Fargo

The silly season has already started. Usually, it doesn’t really begin until the year of the actual election. But some folks must have a whole lot of time on their hands. So far, the favorite target of these silly season songbirds is Gov. John Hoeven, who is busy leading our state.
These silly season songbirds are a diverse group. They include members in good standing on all sides of the political spectrum. There is one distinctive trait that all of these cowboys share. They only look in one direction; backward. They are like the words of the old cowboy song, “They saddle their horses up backwards because they only want to see where they’ve been.”
Fortunately, our governor has his eyes and his administration firmly focused on the future. Under his “can do” leadership, North Dakota is successfully moving into the new economy of the 21st century without sacrificing the timeless features that have made this state a great place to live and raise a family.
Ronald Reagan said that great things can be accomplished if you don’t worry about who gets the credit. Hoeven and the people of North Dakota are accomplishing great things because they aren’t worried about getting credit. hat is why the voters will ignore the rantings and ravings of these silly season songbirds and sign up John and Mikey Hoeven for another term.

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