Thursday, November 29, 2007

War critics silent

Silence. That’s all you hear. Silence.
You would have thought by now that they would have the maturity to admit it. But no, they still remain silent. Hoping, I suppose, that no one would notice. Well, I have.
I just thought that I would remind the people of North Dakota of the fact that not too long ago some people in our state would have us believe we were losing in Iraq. And that we should cut our losses and “redeploy.” Well, where are those people now? Hiding in the corners right where they should be, that’s where.
Newspapers all over the country are trumpeting the news that our brave American servicemen and servicewomen are winning the war in Iraq. Al-Qaeda has abandoned Baghdad, former residents there are returning home and businesses once attacked by the insurgents are reopening. They feel safe again.
One would think that those who opposed the troop surge in the first place would breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate with us at this great victory. But no, silence.
I have to wonder where are the congratulatory remarks to our military commanders from those who opposed the surge in the first place? Where are the press releases from ranking government officials stating that while they were honest in their opposition to the surge at first, they now are happy that it in fact did work? Where are they?
No. We are not really surprised at their silence. But we will remember. We will remember those who honestly disagreed with a policy decision yet failed to rejoice in the victory. Let there be no doubt.
- Jeff Langley

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