Monday, October 30, 2006

In Case You Missed It …. Fargo Forum Editorial: Clark has earned a second 6-year term on N.D. PSC

The Forum
Published Monday, October 30, 2006

Tony Clark’s service on the North Dakota Public Service Commission has been effective, balanced and appropriately low-key. He realizes the complexity of the PSC’s mandate and takes seriously his role as the public’s voice in utility and other regulation.

Clark is being challenged by Fargo attorney Cheryl Bergian. Her campaign has been mostly a one-note song about the alleged gaps in cell phone service in the state. Yes, there are some gaps. But the PSC’s authority in compelling cell phone companies to close the gaps is limited by law. Clark and the commission have put in place a program to raise awareness of the cell phone gap issue, and it’s working.

But the assumption in Bergian’s campaign that the PSC and Clark can magically wave a wand and guarantee high-quality cell phone coverage everywhere all the time is unrealistic.
Clark has helped move the PSC toward a balance between industry’s legitimate needs and consumer advocacy and protection. Holding that balance is a difficult job, given the PSC’s limited resources. But Clark has done well and deserves re-election.

Forum editorials represent the opinion of Forum management and the newspaper’s Editorial Board.

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