Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Matt Mechtel Talks About the War on Terror and Protecting the American People

Matt Mechtel, Republican candidate for Congress, said that the United States must win the War on Terror and must not “cut and run”.

In news conferences held in Fargo and Bismarck, Mr. Mechtel said that, as painful as the war is, the alternative is much worse.

“The future, as envisioned by our enemies, is one of slavery, death, and darkness.”

He called for Congress to declare that a state of war exists between the United States and the forces of Terror.

He said that we need to have a security fence along the entire southern border and we need to strengthen our northern border. Mr. Mechtel said that the Patriot Act, the NSA program, the financial monitoring program, and the ability to use whatever means necessary, short of outright torture, to interrogate our enemy prisoners, must be made permanent.

“We must not tie the hands of those who are fighting this war abroad and at home.”He declared that we are in a World War and we must fight it that way.“This is a fight for the future of our nation and the world. And it is a fight we must win. I am going to be a leader, not a follower, in this effort in Congress.”

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